Your planned gift will grow as part of United Way of Yellowstone County’s Endowment Fund. Proceeds from invested funds will endow future core expenses, so that even more money can be directed to support and grow vital mission work in our community. Our Endowment Fund ensures your gift is permanently invested that will forever be a source of income for United Way of Yellowstone County. You will leave a legacy!
Join the LIVED UNITED Society. Include United Way of Yellowstone County in your will and estate plans. Let us know by filling out this letter of intent. If you don’t have a will, we can help! United Way of Yellowstone County has invested in FreeWill, a free, online will-writing tool to help you and your loved ones begin your estate plans and get peace of mind. It’s 100% free to you, and most people finish in 20 minutes or less. Start your will today.
Montana Endowment Tax Credit. The Montana Endowment Tax Credit provides a special tax credit for certain types of gifts to nonprofit organizations, including United Way of Yellowstone County. This credit is offered to individual taxpayers, small businesses, corporations, and estates, and increases the federal tax deduction. The credit may not exceed the taxpayer’s Montana income tax liability and is limited to 40% of the value of the charitable gift. The maximum credit an individual taxpayer can take is $10,000 or $20,000 per couple. The taxpayer may take a tax-credit or a tax-deduction from the amount being claimed, but not both. The credit must be applied in the tax year in which the gift was made.