Our Community Diaper Drive is back for 2025! Help us collect diapers and wipes to help families in our community. We're again partnering with Family Promise of Yellowstone Valley to support their community diaper bank.
DONATE diapers and wipes at our May 8 drop off day.
HOST a diaper drive through your organization.
FUNDRAISE so we can purchase diapers and wipes at a reduced price using your donations.
Our collection day will be May 8 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at United Way of Yellowstone County, 2173 Overland Ave in Billings. We're aiming to collect 50,000 diapers, which would supply Family Promise's diaper bank for more than a month.
For more information, contact Chrissy at volcoord@uwyellowstone.org or Felicia at ed@familypromise.org.
Why does a diaper drive help families?
• Half of U.S. families are forced to choose between diapers and food
• Diapers cost 50% more than they did in 2020
• Fresh diapers and wipes keep babies AND moms healthy
• Parents need a supply of diapers to access childcare