Yellowstone County Continuum of Care (CoC)

CoC LogoStrategic goals & Objectives CoC


Making Homelessness Brief, Rare, and Non-Recurring in Yellowstone County

A coalition of leaders joining forces to re-imagine our homeless response!

Yellowstone County Continuum of Care

Includes members from the Healthcare sector, City & County Representatives, Housing providers, Treatment providers, and Support Service providers with over 30 members in these areas. 

  • Change the Status Quo
    • Of how we address homelessness from isolated and competitive to coordinated and effective.
  • Assess & Plan
    • Together to create effective and efficient action that combines our strengths. A robust assessment and shared planning is currently in progress.
  • Share Data
    • In meaningful ways to guide action.  Current data sharing includes a Data Dashboard and use of the Pathways system.
  • Optimize Efforts
    • By working together in a manner that combines our strengths, reaches more people, and saves more money.

Working together from data, we are housing our most vulnerable:

  • “Front Door” agencies assess anyone in need (whether their client or not) in order to break down barriers and serve more people.
  • A comprehensive list of housing provides a clear view of resources.
  • A shared database keeps agencies connected and working together. 
  • Case Conferencing takes place every other week to prioritize our most vulnerable and house them first.   

"Front Door" Agencies

Community Crisis Center - Downtown Billings Alliance - HomeFront -  HRDC District 7 - Rimrock Foundation - RiverStone Health - Salvation Army - St. Vincent De Paul - STEP, Inc. - South Central Mental Health Center - Tumbleweed - Veterans Administration - Veterans Inc - Volunteers of America - YWCA Billings

  • Developed and secured funding for a diversion fund.
  • Provides rental assistance and other needs to prevent homelessness.
  • Gives people a hand up during crisis to get them back on their feet before the situation spirals out of control. 
  • Diversion has been shown to not only help individuals but to also save tax payer money and reduce the burden on social systems.
  • A grant project through Montana Healthcare Foundation. 
  • Involves assessment, planning, and coordination to support homeless persons who are also high utilizers of local services.
  • Reduces the burden on social and safety systems while saving money long-term.
  • The Yellowstone CoC is widely supported by the community.
  • The CoC values community collaboration and supports other coalitions; including Substance Abuse Connect.

Thank you Montana Healthcare Foundation for your support, funding for the assessment and capacity building that got us to where we are now, and current funding our Housing is Healthcare project!